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心思心意郵票 - 每版港幣$62.5

心思心意郵票/Heartwarming Stamps


Wish to give your blessing and share your happiness with your beloved once they received your letters, Hongkong Post Customized Heartwarming Stamps Service is the best choice for you. Now you can order the customized Heartwarming Stamps mini-pane at any Fotomax shops. You can tag 21 different images on the tab next to each of the stamps and on the banner positioned in the middle of the stamp pane. Two themes of Heartwarming Stamps are available, namely "Love & Care" and "Celebrations" and are best for a delightful gift as well as a precious collectible. Moreover, "Local Mail Postage" and "Air Mail Postage" stamp panes are available to suit your needs. Please visit Fotomax shop to order the unique Heartwarming Stamps! Grasp the chance to order as low as 5 panes of "Heartwarming Stamps Mini-pane" on or before 31.5.2009 at HK$62.5 per pane!

HKBN 100MB寬頻喎~ 30都冇呀!!!
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有票值, 真係可以用來寄信o架~~
HKBN 100MB寬頻喎~ 30都冇呀!!!
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