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Vista + Office 2007 ( 4MB 高壓縮 )

【檔案名稱】:Highly Compressed Vista & Office2007 Only 4 mb
【檔案大小】:4.32 MB  
【種子數量】:5個以上 (2009-02-03)

Microsoft Vista + Office 2007


Two Major products of Microsoft that are compressed to very extreme and really working. Since they are compressed extreme, it takes some time for the installation. But u could see the 700mb file of the OS soon after the extraction of this rar file which takes juz below a minute. Just download to believe this and i can assure the installation. No one losses anything in just trying a 4mb file..

Installation Notes:

- For extracting Office 2007, install beforehand KGB Archiver that existed in zip archive.

- Vista can be directly burned with Alcohol 120% or Nero, etc...

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