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回應 #8 hkhk

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回應  莫問天
since morning has broken,so far so good ,
justnot1989 發表於 2013-7-7 09:18:11

回應  莫問天
since morning has broken,so far so good ,
justnot1989 發表於 2013-7-7 09:18:11

Send \"Windmills Of Your Mind\" Ringtone to Cell

Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain, or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind!

Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving in a half forgotten dream
Or the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind!

Keys that jingle in your pocket, words that jangle in your head
When did summer go so quickly? Was it something that you said?
Lovers walking along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant drumming just the fingers of your hand?
Pictures hanging in a hallway and the fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over you were suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning to the color of her hair!
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find in
The windmills of your mind!

Keys that jingle in your pocket, words that jangle in your head
When did summer go so quickly? Was it something that you said?
Lovers walking along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant drumming just the fingers of your hand?
Pictures hanging in a hallway and the fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over in the autumn of good-byes
For a moment you could not recall the color of his eyes!
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find in
The windmills of your mind!

的圈子,你會發現在你的心靈的風車一樣! 您遵循其自身的隧道 向下一個中空的洞穴就像一個隧道太陽已經照不到 一扇門一樣,保持在一個半被遺忘的夢 起的漣漪 像時鐘的手掃過去分鐘面對 世界卵石有人扔在流旋轉,就像是一個蘋果默默的婆娑空間 的圈子,你會發現在你的心靈的風車一樣, 在你的口袋裡叮噹作響的鑰匙,刺耳的話,在你的腦袋 沒有夏天時走得這麼快?它的東西,你說 戀人沿著岸邊散步,在沙灘上,留下了他們的足跡, 只是你的手的手指遠處擊鼓的聲音? 照片掛在走廊上,一首歌曲的片段 半記住的名字和面孔,但向誰,他們屬於 當你知道這是對你突然意識到 葉秋把她的頭髮的顏色! 像在一個螺旋圈,像一個車輪在輪 從未結束或開始不斷紡紗捲軸由於影像放鬆,類似的圈子,你會發現在 你的心靈的風車! 在你的口袋裡叮噹作響的鑰匙,也就是說,在你的腦袋 當刺耳沒有夏天這麼快?它的東西,你說戀人沿著岸邊散步,在沙灘上,留下了他們的足跡,只是你的手的手指遠處擊鼓的聲音? 照片掛在走廊上,一首歌曲的片段 半記住的名字和面孔,但到他們屬於誰呢? 當你知道這是在秋天的道別, 對於一個時刻,你可能不記得他的眼睛的顏色! 像在一個螺旋圈,像一個車輪在輪 從未結束或開始不斷旋轉的捲軸, 隨著圖像的放鬆,類似的圈子,你會發現在 你的心靈的風車!

回應 #14 莫問天

    像一個車輪在輪 ====the few words ,i am being  touched
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回應  莫問天

    像一個車輪在輪 ====the few words ,i am being  touched
justnot1989 發表於 2013-7-7 10:20:27


回應 #16 莫問天

    sorry, i am not oscar wilde, i can resist everything except temptation.
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回應  莫問天

    sorry, i am not oscar wilde, i can resist everything except temptation.
justnot1989 發表於 2013-7-7 10:35:43

本帖最後由 莫問天 於 2013-7-7 10:47:58 編輯

by the way,  sorry, oscar wilde 好靚仔嘅喎!that"s why you"re not him la!本帖最後由 莫問天 於 2013-7-7 10:52:10 編輯

回應 #19 莫問天

    自古美男如名將,不許人間見白頭,my dear
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