想問下大家如果搵師傅裝修間屋, 咪要填 "由認可裝修承辦商進行裝修工程申請書", 想問下大約係要點填架?...
bbnbobo 發表於 2011-12-4 16:37:19
Under normal procedure, you must fill "裝修工程申請書", 填 you want to 裝修 items, name , ID card, mobile of your 裝修 師傅, and also produce one copy of your cf ID card and ask your 師傅 give you one photo to HD to issue 裝修證 to your 裝修 師傅, and about 4-5 days, HD will give 師傅裝修證 to you and then you will pass this 裝修證 to your cf, and you may start your decoration work.
HD also said that you may submit the application to install air-conditioner after your installation and no need to submit first before installation.
本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-12-4 22:21:53 編輯