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回應 #39 long

我係果到住左三年 , 都只係有一兩次,
反而樓下夜晚例垃圾(推垃圾車) 咪仲大陣味!
G1255XXX 2013年10月23日 上樓
2020 申請調遷 密度5.3 排14xx 4人
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I just want to share my experience though it is almost 6-7 years ago.  I rent a house in Metro Town (都會駅).  The smell is very strong when it is sunny day after raining, so that is why the smell is not so frequently happened.  I remember those blocks facing SE is very serious.  We complained a lot to the hot line of the EPD but nothing can help.  I don't know it has improved after these few years.

The environment and facilities there are very good except the smell!!  Better think before regret.
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