心情動態: 來自德朗邨 |
1259 市二,8/10藍咭,10/12轉市區,12/12審查,1/13轉step 2
11/13派翠屏北長者單位,12/13聖誕前夕獲派德珮樓 包庇與縱容......簡稱包容
來自德朗邨 |
7/10 第一次拒絕
24/10 step 3 29/10 step 4 2/11 收信派德朗邨
心情動態: 來自非公營房屋 |
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game. ~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>