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Mariah Carey ~ Without You
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game.
~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>
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no,1284  擴2
9/13 step1,1/14,step2
16/7月20日,網上轉市2  12/8/16,s2 ,22/8 s4
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市3 no.12824xx
28/10 s3
31/10 s4
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good  show  thank you
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百聽不厭 !
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game.
~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>
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