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本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-9-16 21:46:10 編輯
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本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-9-16 21:46:32 編輯
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本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-9-16 21:47:09 編輯
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回應 93# conniemcau
仲考慮緊 不過我會揀彩德二期 紅磡應該無咁方便,上網都唔係搵都好多資料
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本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-8-21 16:38:44 編輯
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回應 95# conniemcau

my husband works in C&E over 28 years and we are living in quarters. I will choose Choi Tak 4-5 persons as my first choice as I'm working in Kowloon Bay, but I still haven't decide the second & the third choice, if no choice, can I leave it blank
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本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-8-21 16:34:59 編輯
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Well, if you are on waiting list in the year 2009-2010 and would have one unit allocated to you even in the reserve team, I suggest you not apply the year 2010-2011 as you would be forzen on the coming year. That means you are waste of time time and hope.  Its is better to apply for the next time (i.e. 2011-2012)
Well, It is only my suggestion only. You may consider whether it is fit to you.
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回應 97# conniemcau

    如果你選齊三個屋村, 有機會會派到, 因為2-3人單位少人申請
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回應 99# winniekoko

Thanks your good advice!
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