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回應 97# conniemcau

Of course this is the game rules, the first... the second....then the third. But in my opinion, if you take 3 choices then the chance will becomes puny compare with only take 1 choice, we all know that Choi Tak & Hunghom are the most competitive in this year, at the end most probability you can get TKO,   then you have withdraw from the competition among Choi Tak & Hunghom and give us one more chance for allocation of Choi Tak. Sorry, this is only my estimate, if inappropriate, excuse me!
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回應 101# 丁小姐

    If the first  choice unsuccess, second and third will likely become unsucess, according to the information of Housing dept.  If your first choice unsuccess, you seemed to have the chance go to the second choice or third choice, but the quote of your second choice or third choice will first give the other applicant's who make this as their first choice first,  Do you think we will success to get the house in second or third choice.  This game just like the primary 6 student  who choose their secondary (Form 1) school through the Edccation Dept as the same.

本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-8-21 16:30:07 編輯
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