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回應 805# choy.yh

第二次再派時, 希望你派到心水單位
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回應 806# conniemcau

    This time is 2009/2010.  We had also applied 2010/2011 but somebody told me since I still in the list of 2009/2010 they will thru my 2010/2011 application into the bin.
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回應  c.k.

    what size of unit you apply ???
conniemcau 發表於 2011-2-7 20:49

我全家三個人 , 睇番先前 D posts ,
如果有得派 , 應該係派一房單位掛 .
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I have checked with HD today, there is still no record in the computer to issue the quota letter yet.  . I joined Govt in 1996, going to 15 years.  I have 3 members.  I am 09/10 waiting list but accept their offer to me as somebody give up their flats in Choi Tak Estate.  Officer said I have one or two choices this time depends on the quota.  Nothing can do now, just waiting and waiting and waiting. Hope to get the suitable one soon.  GOOD LUCK.
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回應 820# joannewong833

"等待"真的很難受 我之前嘅處境都同你一樣, 希望你快啲收到好消息
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