心情動態: 來自非公營房屋 |
1268 I love Dog so much but I won't offence the rules as well, any evidence proved to against the rules, go ahead to complain, catch me if you can!
心情動態: 來自非公營房屋 |
1268 I love Dog so much but I won't offence the rules as well, any evidence proved to against the rules, go ahead to complain, catch me if you can!
心情動態: 來自安泰邨 |
擴3轉市3,G1291xxx,12/12/11藍咭,10/12/13審查。6月2日派第一次順安……拒絕!2018年1月8日轉S4,希望派到適合我哋嘅單位!1月10日收信派居泰樓……5月17日終於攞匙收樓 (^ω^)
來自牛頭角下邨 |
G1242xxx 09年新4 -12年派友愛 拒絕
15年3月轉市3+天倫 9/5派華富一邨最舊樓 拒絕 9/6派黃大仙問題單位(不計) 6/10 S3 8/10 S4 13/10最後一次 牛下貴華
心情動態: 來自彩德邨 |
no,1284 擴2
9/13 step1,1/14,step2 16/7月20日,網上轉市2 12/8/16,s2 ,22/8 s4
心情動態: 來自非公營房屋 |
G1268 市2
1st: 10/3 S3, 17/3 S4, 19/3派南山邨 (26/3見拒絕字) 2nd: 24/4 S2, 13/5 S3, 14/5 S4, 16/5派順天邨 (自然身故不計一次, 28/5見拒絕字) 3rd: 13/6 S2, 18/11 S3, 19/11 S4, 21/11派安達邨極高層
心情動態: 來自非公營房屋 |
1268 I love Dog so much but I won't offence the rules as well, any evidence proved to against the rules, go ahead to complain, catch me if you can!