回應 1111# wyinchu
My condition is totally as same as you.
my 包租婆剛生約 begin都打電話來話要加租,my 租約 also 都未到期,但係佢話係生約,想加就可以加喎 as same as your 包租婆. 真係好想立即找個新地方租, but 出去租要簽一年死約, 又要再交上期按金租, it is really very very very trouble, I think if I am lucky, I will 就快有公屋, , so I just keep in silent and still waiting. But lucky for me is that my correspondence address I used my mother's address, so I 唔驚收唔到信 law if I move
本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-7-10 14:22:04 編輯