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回應 132# isabelakindo

    everybody have 3 chances in each application, if you reject 3 times within this year, you may defer one year, and you can't apply on the following year !!!
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回應 133# conniemcau
咁我reject左之後,條隊點排呢? 會排最尾???
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回應 134# isabelakindo

    you mean you reject in the first chance within the same application ???? 本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-10-28 20:43:55 編輯
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回應 135# conniemcau

rejected the first chance r....but seems that quota is limited, i am wondering if i still can get the second chance r....
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回應 136# isabelakindo

you must have second and third choice, but HD will not give the new quota to you law, the quota is just also come from the another applicant who as same as you to reject the offer quota.  Then his quota will be exchange to another applicant by HD at the same time .  (i.e.  if A applicant reject Rm 1, B applicant reject Rm 2, C applicant reject Rm 3, Then HD will make an exchange with them.  As a result, A applicant will allocate Rm 3, B applicant  will allocate Rm 1, C applicant will allocate Rm 2 .....) HD must not give another new quota to the applicant to choose and replace his reject quota ka !!!!! SO you must  think carefully when you want to reject the offer 本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-10-30 19:34:42 編輯
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回應  isabelakindo

you must have second and third choice, but HD will not give the new quota to y...
conniemcau 發表於 2011-10-30 19:33:20

Thank you for your information....I should ask u before i made the decision law.....
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收到信 紅昕樓二十幾樓11室
SUNNYSUNG 發表於 2011-7-5 18:29:19

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