有睇其他帖 但都好似好模梭兩可 所以想問下大家 希望大家願意解答
遲啲想買綠置居 但現已養2貓(已絕育)
No animal, etc.
(a) No dogs may be brought or kept upon any part of the Estate.
(b) Subject to sub-clause (a) of this Clause 17, no animal, bird or livestock of any description may be brought or kept upon any part of the Estate without the prior written consent of the Manager PROVIDED THAT (i) dogs, cats, pets, fowls, birds and other animals may be kept in any part of the Commercial Areas of the HA Accommodation operating as a pet shop or veterinary clinic, (ii) there may be kept such livestock, live poultry or animals in such reasonable quantities and of such types as are appropriate in relation to the business of any restaurant or any other businesses operating in the Commercial Areas of the HA Accommodation, subject to compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
露台方面 睇到啲人既單位片同朋友果到 好似啲窗係關唔晒 即係打風落雨會飛晒入屋
如果畀養貓 唔畀改裝窗貓咪會跳樓
但其實可唔可以裝窗等露台可以變左密封空間? 如果畀養貓想裝埋窗網