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患上末期肝癌的劉曉波獲美國及德國專家會診,有指劉曉波向兩位專家表達出國就醫意願,但負責治療的瀋陽醫院中國專家表示,將劉曉波轉運過程不安全,而外國專家亦同意,沒有更好的治療方案。不過,兩名海外專家今日發表聯合聲明,表示把劉曉波轉到國外可以安全地進行,並且德國海德堡大學及美國MD安德森癌症中心均準備接收劉曉波,向其提供最佳的治療,又指存在其他治療劉曉波的方法。兩人的說法,否定了瀋陽醫院的官方口徑。兩名海外專家德國海德堡大學醫學院外科系主任比歇爾(Markus Büchler)和美國MD安德森癌症中心放療系教授赫爾曼(Joseph Herman)日前分別抵達中國,到瀋陽的中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院與當地醫生會診劉曉波。
Joint Statement from Dr. Joseph M. Herman, Clinical Research Director, Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Dr. Markus Büchler, Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Heidelberg
On Saturday, July 8, Dr. Joseph M. Herman of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Markus W Büchler of University of Heidelberg met with the medical team at the No. 1 Hospital of the China Medical University to participate in a medical consultation for Liu Xiaobo and provide their professional recommendations.
Drs. Herman and Büchler acknowledge the quality of care that the No. 1 Hospital of the China Medical University has provided to Mr. Liu since his admission. Drs. Herman and Büchler agree with Mr. Liu’s diagnosis of primary liver cancer. The physicians have recommended Mr. Liu receive palliative supportive care. Additional options may exist, including interventional procedures and radiotherapy.
Liu Xiaobo and his family have requested that the remainder of his care be provided in Germany or the United States. While a degree of risk always exists in the movement of any patient, both physicians believe Mr. Liu can be safely transported with appropriate medical evacuation care and support. However, the medical evacuation would have to take place as quickly as possible.
The University of Heidelberg and MD Anderson have each agreed to accept Mr. Liu for treatment. Both institutions are prepared to offer Mr. Liu the best care possible.