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黑店 Home 2x
I would like to announce the awful service of the home 2x, I bought the TV cabinet, chair, dinner desk and mattress on May 2017, as the sale promised the aforesaid products could be keep in store and delivered to me within 6 months. Afterward,I requested the home 2x company delivery the aforesaid products to my home on 2017-10-14. However, the home 2x delivery man only delivered the TV cabinet and chair to me around 1400hrs on 2017-10-14, the rest of product (dinner desk and mattress) were still unable to delivery my home without any reasonable explanation.
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G13764XX 新3, 08/15新3 , 31/08/2022 三派皇溢畢業
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我想公開Home 2x的極差服務,我於2017年5月買了电视柜,椅子,晚餐台和床垫,而銷售員指上述产品可以在6個月内保存及送貨比我。之后,我要求Home21把上述產品在2017-10-14送到我家。但Home 21的送貨在2017-10-14的下午2點只有送电视柜和椅子,剩下的产品(餐桌和床垫)無送到我家,但没有任何解释,之後發現 Home 21原本聲譽一直都差,大家留意返!
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I would like to announce the awful service of the home 2x, I bought the TV cabinet, chair, dinner de
Leolai1984 發表於 2017-10-16 13:37:21 原文

I heard a lot of bad things about this company, there's even a group in facebxxk opening for people to report their bad experiences there. You can find out more in that group and learn how people solve their problems there.
市三 G1252
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不是,Home 2x 答案係有關餐桌無貨,佢竟然答我唔知幾時會有貨,但錢已比。。。另外張床墊講好12/10晚會送到,但我一直等,等到晚上8點,送貨員打比我話太busy,下星期先再送。。。根本不是合理解釋
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我都有同 HOME 2x 訂床裖,梳化,餐枱及餐椅,全部都在預約當日送齊,他們之前亦有同我 CONFIRM 送貨日期及時間‧
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