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If I'm Not In Love - Dawn Thomas
If I'm Not In Love - Dawn Thomas

If I'm Not In Love With You
What is this I'm going through
And if this heart is lying then
What should I believe in
Why do i go crazy
Everytime I think about you baby
Why else do I want you like I do

If I'm not in love with you

And if I don't need your touch
Why do i miss you so much
If it's just infatuation
Why is my heart aching
To hold you forever
Give a part of me I thought I'd never
Give again to someone I could lose

If I'm not in love with you

Oh why in every fantasy
Do I feel your arms embracing me
Like lovers lost in sweet desire
Oh And why in dreams do I surrender
Like a little Baby
How do I explain these feelings
Some one tell me

If I'm not in love with you
What is this I'm going through
And if this heart is lying then
What should I believe in
Why do i go crazy
Everytime I think about you baby
Why else do I want you like I do

If I'm not in love with you
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