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More Cable in Cable Conduit.
Please check your lighting switch of the kitchen.
I found 9 x single core x 2.5mm sq pvc cable install in 25mm dia pvc conduit.

Is it break the rule of EMSD COP - Item 14E - Cable Capacity of Enclosures?

If yes, the insurance should be excluded under accident (short Circuit / overheat)
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you may escalate it to the CS email account and inform us to see if any follow up action is required, thx
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回應 #2 silaimo

Please provide the CS email again.
I reported more critical items, but no feedback / no action / no suggestion.

And send 7 times of reminder to follow up the outstanding items.

Reported to 1) [email protected]
2) [email protected]
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phone call to dedicated person for the follow up action
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回應 #6 silaimo

我個座, 3 個人, 4個電話全不通, 一係無人接, 次次打HOTLINE本留言最後由 bigten1220 於 2020-08-20 08:48:55 編輯
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