Just cannot believe how they can do with the computers. Try it...fun. In a way scary.You've got to see this! Be sure to wait the 30 seconds!
After you type your first name a card comes up with Sorry, Sorry, Sorry on it. Just wait about 30 seconds. The words will turn white, then....... Trust me, you'll love it. Amazing what people are doing with computers today
简直难以置信: 竟能利用电脑创造如此奇迹…如此乐趣!!!。在某种程度上简直是可怕的!!!你一定要试试看!不过一定要等30秒!
请输入你的英文名字, 等大约30秒。英文的词语将变成白色,然后.......你会惊叫并喜欢它的。
令人惊异的是, 人们怎么用如今的电脑做成的!点击下面-----然后输入你的英文名字, 音乐家便开始弹奏并歌唱你了!
点击 打开后,首先请在 your first name 框内输入你的英文名字(或汉语拼音),点击 Submit , 耐心等一会儿,出现一个男歌星在弹钢琴唱歌, 五线谱上是你的名字。接着,男歌星撒出的花瓣在空中组成你的名字;再接着,天空中出现你的名字;再接着,男歌星的手臂上、气球上会出现你的名字。太好玩了。 如果点击Submit后没有反应,请再试一次