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【檔案名稱】:RAM Saver Pro v9
【檔案大小】:4.91 MB   
【種子數量】:5個以上 (2009-02-24)

RAM Saver Pro v9是一個易於使用的內存擴充,內存優化工具,將讓您的電腦運行速度更快。

計算機執行一段時間後,內存可用資源會變少,而內存管理工具- RAM的程序專業版,能夠隨時自動調整計算機內存,讓系統保有足夠的內存可用空間,以藉此提升計算機的執行速度。


RAM Saver Pro will:

defragment system memory for faster access time;
increasing the efficiency of your CPU and Motherboard caches;
recover memory leaks from poorly behaved applications;
temporarily flush unused libraries out to disk and so on.
Using these optimization tricks will help your favorite applications and games run faster and more efficiently - even on old computers.

Main program features:

System Tray monitor of RAM optimizer
Desktop RAM monitor
specialized Control Panel
professional memory monitoring
flexible memory optimization with complete statistics output
RAM benchmark test
monitoring and control over the processes which take place in the memory
possibility to create "boosted shortcuts"
common and advanced RAM optimizer options
automatic and intelligent RAM optimization
fast run of tools
forced cleaning of Clipboard
possibility to close all programs for full memory release by one click
control over Windows uptime
suppressing and fast running of screen saver
check the presence of disk in CD-ROM drive in the moment of computer shut down
hide all desktop icons
forced shut down and restart of computer

System requirements:

OS Windows Me/2000/XP/VISTA x86 x64
Minimum screen resolution 640x480
Pentium processor and above
128 Mb RAM
5 Mb free disk space  

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