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【檔案名稱】:mojosoft BusinessCards MX v3.96 serial
【檔案大小】:62.68 MB  
【種子數量】:5個以上 (2009-02-07)
BusinessCards MX 是一款商業名片制作軟件,能幫助你設計和打印專業的名片,軟件界面經過特別設計,初學者也不會遇到任何問題。軟件中包含了400個例子,常用的名片模板。

The attributes of the program:

operating jpg, bmp, wmf , png ,tiff and more graphic formats
a dozen or so effects which can be used while working on all objects (text , image , backgrounds) for example: shadows, textures, sepia, gradients and others
export to high resolution (300 DPI , 600 DPI) pdf,jpg,tiff,bmp graphics file
the size of designed business cards: min 70x40 max 105x65
the appearance of the interface can be changed
convert and export to CMYK ( with ICC profiles )
support right to left languages (like arabic,hebrew)

support unicode
print on both sides of the paper (duplex printing)
multilanguage support:
English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian ,Bulgarian ,Farsi(Persian) ,Serbian ,Chinese(simplified) ,Romanian, Croatian , Arabic,Bosnian
400 supported business card paper for ink jet and laser printers, from Avery, APLI, Hisago, Sigel, A-One ,Printec and other manufacturers.
System Requirements
* Operating System: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
* CPU: Pentium processor minimum
* Memory: 512M or more
* Free hard drive space: 250MB


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