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lipstick on your collaR-唔好偷食
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah)

When you left meall alone at the record hop
Told me you weregoin' out for a soda pop
You were gone forquite a while, half an hour or more
You came back andman oh man this is what I saw

Lipstick on youcollar told a tale on you
Lipstick on youcollar said you were untrue
Bet your bottomdollar you and I are through
Cuz lipstick on youcollar told a tale on you, yeah

You said it belonged to me, made me stop and think
Then I noticed yours was red, mine was baby pink
Who walked in but Mary Jane, lipstick all a mess
Were you smoochin' my best friend, if the answer's yes

Lipstick on you collar told a tale on you
Lipstick on you collar said you were untrue
Bet your bottom dollar you and I are through
Cuz lipstick on you collar told a tale on you, boy

Told a tale on you, man


Told a tale on you, yeah
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