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I think that this house is normaly of our life
My family had being lived in Wing Cheong Estate about half year.I think that this house of goverment is normaly of our life.
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Congratulections !
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game.
~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>
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擴2 轉 市2 No. 1265XXXX, 特快 No. 18XXX (2011), 15XXX (2012), 8XXX (2013), 58XX (2014)
Step 1 - 29/01/2013, Step 2 - 09/04/2013
第一次收信派長康邨, 第二次收信派雲漢邨
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My family had being lived in Wing Cheong Estate about half year.I think that this house of goverment
linzhubiao 發表於 2014-06-15 11:17:07 原文

Any photos?
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G1254** 擴3 水泉澳
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擴3 no:12602xxX
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