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2014 Rinspeed microMAX

"microMAX", making its debut at the 2013 Geneva Motor Show (7-17 March), is set out to revolutionize short-distance transport by merging personal and public transportation, thus defining an entirely new class of vehicles.

With a length of 3.6 meters, equivalent to that of a BMW Mini, the all-electric vehicle "microMAX" not only offers plenty of space for the driver, three passengers and a stroller or shopping cart, it also provides the desired privacy. The vehicle height of 2.2 meters permits the installation of comfortable and space-saving upright seats equipped with safety belts - but above all, affords a great sense of space with homey lounge character. A coffee maker, a refrigerator for the passengers' happy-hour drinks and unlimited connectivity for entertainment purposes or for working while on the move are also included.

Various equipment modules, for example for craftsmen, delivery services or taxis, make the space saver extremely versatile. Because, even though "microMAX" can be "your taxi" or "your bus" every now and then, the short four-wheeled friend first and foremost wants to be one thing: your car.

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