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recumbent urban tricycle

elomobile revolution - universal urban tricycle - commuter, cargo, sport and fun in one - forget about unconfortable claustrophobic overpriced and dangerous velomobiles suitables for special track only.Speed of 30 km/h in easy with EASY RIDERS comfort - with child, picnic basket and a tent, protected from rain, with wind in the hair or without, all weather - all year long. Improve your health, save money, protect environment! The BEE, or not to be!
Fundraising project: More info on
Urban tricycle prototype test drive
Safety first and keep it cheap! Sturdy light construction, safe driver cage, full suspension, 3 cargo containers, plastic rain cover, easy electric hub motorisation, removable seat and battery pack - lock it on the street. Pedelec category - under bicycle legislation - no licence, tax nor insurance. In urban environment faster then a car. Leaning under development-not perfect yet.

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